
Sleep Sweet

Sleep Sweet

One of the things I used to do All The Time was design websites. I made a ton of sites dedicated to projects I started, things/characters/games/etc. that I loved, personal sites – all kinds of stuff. I made a site collecting screenshots of all of my old layouts (or… most of them) and had it online when all my other stuff was also up. Somewhere a couple of years ago I sort of stopped updating all/any of my websites and everything went offline.

I put up the layout site once again because I’m back into this hobby and creating new designs/sites! I added some of the screenshots that weren’t on there yet and will make a new layout for the layout site here soon – I just wanted to get this back online and somewhat updated to see where I started and be able to look back at my lol journey~

SLEEP SWEET – the layout archive [ originally on wtfNET, now on Neon Shores ]