Layers of Fear – Neon Shores a mess of creativity Fri, 02 Oct 2020 20:59:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fun w/ Photo Mode – Layers of Fear 2 Fri, 28 Jun 2019 06:57:40 +0000 Today’s Fun With Photo Mode shows two cryptic and creepy images from one of my favorite recent games, Layers of Fear 2! We should be playing it on the stream soon so keep an eye out…

Layers of Fear 2
Layers of Fear 2

Photo Mode Friday is a weekly feature where I post shots of my adventures with either the screenshot capture feature or the photo mode feature, depending on which one the game in the post contains.

Layers of Fear [AW] Wed, 26 Oct 2016 04:46:24 +0000 Abandonworn - Layers of FearIn celebration of Halloween (which is just around the corner! How is it almost November already?) — I put together another outfit inspired by a favorite game of mine that also happens to be a psychological horror game! It’s called Layers of Fear. While my first outfit was inspired by a character, the inspiration for this one was sort of pulled from the game in general. Also like the last outfit, I got to cheat and use a jacket I had for a cosplay from the game — I made this jacket though! So it’s a little different than the last one. 😀

I stuck with black and red mostly, with a cream-colored shirt to break it all up and I couldn’t help adding the paintbrush. And the apple, because you know… they’re running out of them apparently. Another note: black nail polish (any really dark color actually) really sucks to take off. I’m sure that’s already known by the world but I needed to reiterate.

And I couldn’t resist the necklace that only comes out when the jacket is off. I’ve had it for so long and have never really worn it because I haven’t had an ~excuse~ …I’ll be wearing it more often now.

(Did I almost make a piece of jewelry with a fake eyeball for this outfit? Maybe. (¬‿¬))


Abandonworn - Layers of Fear Abandonworn - Layers of Fear Abandonworn - Layers of Fear

Abandonworn - Layers of Fear

Abandonworn is a feature that has traveled from blog to blog over the years, taking on a few different names before settling here at Neon Shores. The feature contains photos of outfits I’ve put together that are inspired by a video game, a video game character, or some other aspect of a video game! Sometimes they can be inspired by different types of games too, so keep an eye out! ;D

Layers of Fear Tue, 02 Aug 2016 04:33:21 +0000 This is a post Nate and I wrote together on our old Zhobot blog about how much we love this game and I wanted to bring it over here to keep it forever! ;D

A game that has quickly shot to the single digits of our TOP GAMES EVER list, Layers of Fear is an atmospheric and detailed romp through a man’s manor and mind as he tries to finish painting his magnum opus. Today marks the release of the first story DLC for the game (the actual first one — which was more an event than a DLC — was an amazing Halloween addition that was only up for a little while), entitled Layers of Fear: Inheritance, which follows the painter and his late wife’s daughter. We’ve only watched the trailers that have been released and even though spoilers are everywhere right at this moment, we’re waiting until tonight to fire the DLC up for ourselves. We figure while we wait for the sun to set, we can share why we love the base game So Damn Much.

Layers of Fear

Nate: I love this game, plain and simple. Some claim it’s a rip-off of P.T., but you could only get that impression if you watched half of the trailer while doing something else and/or not paying attention. Yes, it clearly takes inspiration from P.T., particularly in the appearance of the main antagonist (or is she???). But like the name of the game suggests, it adds layers upon layers of rich storytelling and visual artistry to the P.T. “formula”.  There is an excellent balance of sad, strange, and endearing moments to balance out the moments of pants-shitting horror. But you have to work for these, they won’t be doled out on a silver platter. You’re rewarded for exploring every nook and cranny, picking up every item, and just observing the situation without mindlessly bounding on to the next room. In fact, some of these observations are what lead to the most pants-shitting moments of all, in my opinion, versus some of the more obvious jump scares.

Heather: This game intrigued me because I was still bitter and sad about the loss of Silent Hills (I always will be) when I first heard about it. We got the game during early access and finished the part of it that was available then, both of us really pumped for the whole release afterward. It didn’t disappoint and we’ve played it four times now, finding new things each time we do. I love that the basic story is there, on the surface, but to get the details you actually need to dig. You could skip right over so many of the letters to and from the main character to others (publishers, friends, companies, etc.), but more importantly (and friggin’ HEARTBREAKINGLY) you could easily miss letters between the painter and his wife (or are they?)… It’s in these pieces you collect where the deeper issues of the story show themselves. You can see the downward spiral that this relationship spins into and how it takes everything around it with it to hell. Below are some of the things you can find here and there. I used some of the tame ones before things really went south. ALSO, THE SHOPPING LIST. GOODNESS, SON.

Layers of Fear Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear Layers of Fear

Nate: Let’s talk about jump scares for a bit, as they are one of the more polarizing features of horror games. Lots of games do this wrong by making them seemingly random, not drawing out the tension for long enough, making improper use of sound, or hell, just having TOO DAMN MANY OF THEM! Layers of Fear mostly avoids this trend by using them sparingly and uniquely throughout your playthrough. I’d love to give examples but that’d be spoiling some of the fantastic firsthand experiences.

Heather: And when they are used, it’s not just for fun or for the hell of it. This painter’s mind is not all there so you expect lots of things when nothing happens and then when you think you’re safe, that’s when things happen. I also appreciate that one of the endings to the game steers you directly into the path– directly into the arms of the jump scares and even when you know it’s coming, it’s still creepy. You have to have the painter willingly torture himself with this to achieve one of the three endings and I appreciate the crap out of that, especially because it reminds me of one of my all-time (actually my #1 of all time) favorite games, Silent Hill 2.

Nate: Putting the horror element aside for a bit, the game stands on its own as an excellent surreal adventure game as well. The world around you is constantly changing, often before your eyes! This is one of the most unique things about the game: it can range from entire room transformation to subtle inception style visual tricks. If you ever wanted to know what it was like to take hallucinogens in the Victorian era, good news, LoF simulates this quite well!

Heather: I’m hyped for this DLC, especially since it should answer more questions about the story! Even with all the letters and things that we found in all of our playthroughs, there are still some unanswered questions that could have a little light shed on them. I was always curious about what happened to the daughter, so this should at least answer those! (And maybe the Halloween update will be added again this year!)

Layers of Fear

Basically, if you’re a horror fan, this game is a great addition to the genre and you should check it out! We’ll go crazy and paint with things that are not paint and possibly might come from a human body and freak out play the DLC in the meantime.
